الأربعاء، 2 نوفمبر 2016

15 creative ways to transform old furniture beyond recognition

Many of us have lots of old things at home that we don’t use, yet which we can’t bring ourselves to throw away.
We believe that with a little creativity you can turn any old junk into something stylish, unusual, and useful for your home. If you’re not convinced, take a look at the following ideas.

An old bed becomes a cheerful bench

A large wooden cable drum can be used to make a super stylish bookshelf

A child’s crib can become a space for creativity

A play kitchen for your little homemakers

An old workbench can still be put to good use in stimulating young minds

An old grand piano can become a highly unusual but eye-catching shelf

A bulky set of drawers can become a spacious bench

Drawers also transform into excellent wine racks

An old doorway becomes a truly unique photo frame

An old dresser can transform your bathroom

The parts from a child’s bed can help create an elegant display case for your crockery

Old chairs become a bench for the front hall

How to turn an ugly dresser into something that’s both functional and elegant

Make a new attractive bedside table out of an old stool

Unused pull-out drawers can be transformed into bright bookshelves

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